Cracker Jack Navy Uniform
The “Cracker Jack” Company was founded in Chicago, Illinois around 1895. It was invented by a pair of German immigrants. Though little is known about Fred and Louis Rueckheim’s actual reaction to this “Take Me Out” phenomenon, it seemed to at least open their eyes to some more promotional possibilities outside the usual norms. Theoretically, it also turned them into born again baseball fans.

101st Airborne
The 2001 HBO Documentary, “Band of Brothers” follows the 101st Airborne from the airdrop behind German lines at Normandy to “The Battle of the Bulge,” in Belgium.

Jimmy Stewart B-24 Pilot WWII
Months after winning his 1941 Academy Award for best actor in “The Philadelphia Story,” Jimmy Stewart, one of the best-known actors of the day, left Hollywood and joined the US Army. He was the first big-name movie star to enlist in World War II.

Gerald Gurgess
It all begins withGerald, from Tyler, Texas flew with the U.S. Army Air Corp 449th, Bomber Group 15 known as the “Flying Horsemen.” an idea.

Calvin Graham
Calvin enlisted in the United States Navy in Houston on August 15, 1942. He was 12 years old. At 5-foot-2 and just 125 pounds Calvin showed up at his induction wearing his brother’s suit and disguising his voice.

A date that will live in infamy
Elvis Allen, local historian, saw a stack of records in a junk store while visiting Dallas back in 1965. “I found this old record in a box sitting under a table,” said Elvis. “It was amazing it was in such good shape because the box was not.